Bright Spots and Lasting Impressions.


Yesterday I was sitting at the carwash waiting for my car, there is a fantastic full service shop that is a few blocks from the Starbucks store I operated for years and whenever I am in that part of town I stop in there.  While I was sitting and waiting I looked up and saw an old customer of mine.  I waited for a moment and made eye contact to say hello, “Hi, Colleen, how are you? Oh, hi, oh my, Lindsey? Yes it’s me, from Starbucks, hi"!

After the initial awkward re introduction of old familiar faces, the next few moments unfolded a conversations that warmed my heart from my tiptoes to forehead.  

She quickly noted that she had switched her morning coffee routine and was now going else where, that the time for it was gone and other things had become more important to her daily routine.

She then paused and said, Thank you, those days when I walked in and my coffee was ready and you knew my name and had me in and out, and smiling by the time I left, really made my day.  I responded with my appreciation for her kind words and simply let her know that is what our purpose was!  To make sure that wherever her day led her, she had a chance to connect with another person along the way, we set out each day to provide bright spots for people to carry with them all day. 

Shortly there after our conversation wrapped up and she was on her way.  I was left with an over whelming sense of gratitude that my purpose all of those years at that store manifested itself in that woman’s life! What a gift, to be able to impact lives!  I wanted to share the story with you for few reasons.

Regardless of what you do in your day to day, I would venture to say at some point each day you interact with another person. You may lead them, work next to them, pass them at the grocery; regardless of the interaction you have a responsibility.  What can you offer that interaction? How can you impact that person’s day and leave them with a heart warming bright spot for that day? 

Especially in Fitness, we have a huge opportunity to leave lasting impressions! People come to us wanting change, lasting impacts on their LIFE! That is a tremendous opportunity to provide light in that person’s life and teach them how to care for their body on a higher frequency!  I would urge you today, do not take your responsibility to others lightly, do not delay words that need to be said.  Live your day making meaningful connections that leaves lasting impressions.  You never know whose soul you may need to be feeding today, and in turn, feed your own. 

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts! Let me, Lindsey Rainwater know how you are making lasting impressions on those you interact with in your Fitness world!