2021 WIFA Impact Report

At WIFA we believe that success comes by collaboration. This past year more than any other year, the milestones we have achieved are truly because of the collaboration of our partners and members. Their generous support allowed WIFA to have a team in place that up leveled the entire member experience. Thank you, and thank you to the ambassador team, the board of directors and all the countless hours of volunteer work that goes into WIFA, it makes this work possible. Our WIFA HQ team is so very grateful to all the community support that makes our work a reality. 

Reflecting on 2021 as it comes to a calendar end, I am especially proud of our members' success. When I read your stories, see your faces on speaking event promotions, and watch the LinkedIn announcements sharing your new jobs, it confirms why we exist. I have a folder called “inspiration” in my iphoto, dozens of screenshots of your brilliant work and notes to me, that what we do for women in fitness matters infinitely to our collective success, you keep me going on the hardest days.

It is important before we forge into another calendar year of goal setting and achievement that we pause to acknowledge what we have accomplished this year and honor where we started and where we ended.

It is not lost on me that without you, we would not exist, you are the momentum that keeps us moving.

With love and appreciation,

Lindsey Rainwater

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