First Impressions- From the Front Desk

"Good Morning Lindsey! How are you today?

I am good thank you! Gorgeous sunrise this morning!

I could not agree more, Have a good workout"

If you take a look at many business models, then you’ll see a consistent person and position in our facilities. That is the Front Desk Person. The front desk person wears a lot of different hats at any given time throughout their day and in many cases, that person is the first impression of our environment to the new member.

Have you ever worked in this particular position? I have, at a handful of facilities! Thinking about the days of sign in sheets and hand written membership cards, a lot has changed within the process, but the purpose has stayed the same.  There are stories to be told, but most importantly, a case study to be made. 

Every day that I arrive at my home fitness center, I am greeted upon entering and from there, I venture out and complete my workout. I find it fascinating that regardless of what facility I am in, or what geographic region, the same theme continues to reappear.  

The person at the front desk, the way we interact, and the way they leave me feeling when our conversation is over, is a microcosm of how the entire facility operates. Have you ever noticed that the consistent themes that ripple through any facility usually start from the desk, or upon entry of the facility? 

I realize this is a wide sweeping topic but, take a minute, go there with me. Over the next few weeks I will be breaking down some key drivers and expectations around this position. I encourage you to engage in the conversation by participating and sharing your thoughts with me.

A parting thought: this week while you are at your gym, take note and watch how that front desk person is interacting with your members. Are they making eye contact? Smiling? Offering help? Remembering names?

I am looking forward to unpacking this position within our fitness model over the next few weeks! I hope that you are too, share with me, Lindsey Rainwater, and let me know your thoughts on your front desk!