Posts in WIFA
Mama I see you

One in four women, according to the most recent report from McKinsey and, are considering leaving the workforce or downshifting. And we know, because of the labor department’s statistics that came out last week, that women are leaving the workforce, have left the workforce. The numbers between August and September were that 800,000 women voluntarily left the workforce. And that includes 324,000 Latinas and 58,000 Black women.

-Harvard Business Review Podcast

Mama I see you, let’s talk about remote work, and childcare. Ohhh what a topic. Everyone’s home, how do you get it all done? It’s a complicated and vital topic. 1 in 4 women have downshifted their work due to the pandemic, that’s a massive setback.

Join myself @shaykostabi and @bcchica this Friday on the @wifassociation retreat as we talk openly about the childcare crisis and how we can treat our work life more holistically to support our family and work. Register at

Integrity Always Wins

When one of your values is personal integrity, the road narrows, real quick. What does that mean? Recently I have made a handful of statements and commitments that mean the world to me. Equity and opportunity for those that deserve the opportunity regardless of race, gender, life experiences... I get so fired up about creating safe places for people to thrive. I’ve had more than a few opportunities to make decisions that impact this integral part of my belief system and ya know what, I’ve chosen to stick to my values instead of going with the alternative. Is it easy or “fun” to pass by opportunities, say goodbye or upset people to stay in integrity with my values, nope, not even a little. But you know what it does do, it’s like another squat at the end of a set when I am hitting fatigue, I know if I keep going the next workout I’ll be stronger, the muscle will break down and build itself back up even stronger and more resilient. I look at this photo and I see a woman that has weathered countless storms and chosen sacrifice over comfort. Why does this matter? Because, behind the scenes, behind my eyes is a vigilant determination to do what is right, and, I want that for you. It is so much more fulfilling to sleep at night clear minded than plot out the next move. I love not having anything to remember because I tell the truth. I share in the spirit of making sure anyone interested in the narrow path, to assure you it will not be clear of obstacles, instead... Buckle up, get a good group of people to surround you to champion the hard times and rally with, and let’s change the world, the right way, with integrity. #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #womenwithintegrity #womeninfitness #wifa #community #integrity

Lindsey Rainwater is an experienced business advisor, executive coach and the founder of The Women in Fitness Association (WIFA). WIFA is the global association supporting women in their career trajectory helping them rise to their fullest potential in business and life. She is known for her work advising businesses, her original published content, additionally supporting individuals in transformational change and leadership development. Her intention is to help individuals and organizations enjoy necessary change in order to succeed.

Connect with me

Give Birth to New Opportunities

Collaboration, the action of working with someone to produce or create something. Something new that’s never been there before! Read that again, new! Brand new, couldn’t have been there before. When we work together something gets the opportunity to be birthed that was not there before. Don’t believe the lie that you have to hoard or hold on without sharing your accomplishments, totally the opposite! When you share your wins and collaborate, you give way to something brand new, that could have never been there before. Therefore making MORE for everyone. So next time you score a win, a new opportunity, look around, who can you take with you across the finish line? What first win can you give away to someone else? #womenhelpingwomen #collab #collaboration #makenewopportunities #wifa #wifawomen #womeninbusiness #womeninfitness

Lindsey Rainwater is an experienced business advisor, executive coach and the founder of The Women in Fitness Association (WIFA). WIFA is the global association supporting women in their career trajectory helping them rise to their fullest potential in business and life. She is known for her work advising businesses, her original published content, additionally supporting individuals in transformational change and leadership development. Her intention is to help individuals and organizations enjoy necessary change in order to succeed.

Aspire Higher Podcast

I was fortunate to get to sit down with Dave Glaser, founder of Fit Life Champions and talk about all the things, purpose, my current projects, how I started in the fitness industry and so much more! Click play below and listen while you’re working today.

Towards the end of the podcast I share about my newest project, the C3 Program , our next launch date is November 6, 2018, click here to learn more: .

Thank you Dave for the opportunity to chat with you. Dave is an incredible business leader in the Fitness world virtually and in the Denver area, click here to learn about his business, and if you are a person wanting accountability and support in your fitness training, he is pure magic! Thank you again for the opportunity, Dave. Enjoy the podcast and if you’d like to get in touch with me, click here.

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, Founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.  For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter @LindseyRainH2o

The Story of The Women in Fitness Association
The Women in Fitness Association exists to create opportunity for Women, to give them a voice in the fitness industry and create opportunity for any woman interested in growing her career.
— Lindsey Rainwater

This past year something super exciting happened, and is very near and dear to my heart, a movement that is absolutely going to change the face of the fitness industry and welcome in a whole new wave of female leadership.  

The Story...

Last year, I attended the women in leadership summit at IHRSA, the experience created at the summit was like no other I’d had the chance to be a part of in our industry.  Being in a room full of brilliant women in support of our industry was like a deep exhale, a complete breath of fresh air and I didn’t want it to end.  Upon returning home after a fabulous week of  making new connections and seeing old friends, I came home with the desire to feel what I felt in that room at the summit.  I wanted a place where there was easy access to female mentors and a tight knit group of women to regularly collaborate with, I began my search to find a group that offered this kind of support, exclusively for women.  Once I realized it didn't exist, I knew what needed to happen next.

The rest is history... 

The Women in Fitness Association opened for membership May 31 of 2017 and by September we had formed a board of directors, bylaws, not for profit status, and over 60 women as associate members with global representation and corporate sponsorship. To date, we have over 80 members, three corporate sponsors, two meetings under our belts, serving over 200 women in total and an event planned to take place in San Diego the week of IHRSA. 

Not a day goes by that I am not daydreaming about what WIFA can and will become.  I think about all the women I know that want to run companies and be mothers and love travel, I am so excited that we’ve created a place to collaborate about how to accomplish that and so much more! 

None of this could have happened if I did not have an army of women supporting me in this endeavor! Our board of directors and founding members have carried our success through word of mouth and trust and belief in what we are doing.  Their brilliance and desire to lift women up to reach their fullest potential is humbling and truly exciting to be a part of. 

If you have not checked out the Women in Fitness Association, go to the website to see our upcoming events and ways to join.  I look forward to this being the beginning of something absolutely wonderful,

I am incredibly grateful for my mentors that said "why not, just do it", their ability to see what I was capable of before I could is what aided in my taking this leap of faith.  Thank you. 

Lindsey Rainwater, also known as Lindsey RainH2O, is a sought-after business advisor, Founder, writer & keynote speaker to the fitness and wellness industry.  For more information about Rainwater, follow her on Twitter@LindseyRainH2O